West Virginia's Premium Property Search
Property Viewer
Over a dozen layers to choose from including satellite imagery, parcel boundaries, well locations, and more.
Assessment Data
Tax assessment records going back to 2000. Appraisal information and building sketches for residental properties. Copies of deeds now available in 36 counties.
Tax Maps
Over a 120,000 scanned tax maps for every district and county. Plus an archive for older maps.

- Check our latest improvements
- Find mineral property owners
- Powerful search tools to find any property owner
- Mobile optimized
- Export data to Excel or PDF
- Log in from any device
- Print custom maps with highlighted parcel boundaries
- Customer support
Property Viewer
Our property viewer is a great tool to help you research property in West Virginia. We have parcel boundaries, wells, laterals, and pipelines. These datasets are updated annually. We have eleven different image layers including several topographic and satellite images. Our measuring tools can help you calculate distances and get the measurement of an area. Clicking on parcels will give you details of the property and owner. Click on the wells to view well data and supporting documents.
Assessment Data
Find the property you’re looking for fast with our advanced search system. You can search properties by any of the following: account number, acreage, deed book, legal description, owner name, owner’s address, or tax map and parcel number. We have several tools to make your search results work for you. You can export to an Excel spreadsheet, hide/sort columns, and dynamically search within the search results. Each property has links to the property viewer, scanned tax maps, property details, and 20 year history of ownership. Most counties also have links to property tax tickets.
Tax Maps
We have over 120,000 tax maps for every part of West Virginia. All tax maps have been scanned in PDF and TIF formats. We also have an archive of older tax maps including coal maps with owner index from the 1970’s.
Scanned Deeds Access
Instant access to scanned deeds in the following counties:
- Barbour
- Berkeley
- Boone
- Brooke
- Calhoun
- Doddridge
- Fayette
- Gilmer
- Grant
- Greenbrier
- Harrison
- Jefferson
- Lewis
- Lincoln
- Marshall
- Mason
- McDowell
- Mineral
- Monongalia
- Monroe
- Nicholas
- Ohio
- Pendleton
- Pocahontas
- Preston
- Randolph
- Ritchie
- Roane
- Summers
- Taylor
- Tucker
- Tyler
- Upshur
- Wayne
- Wetzel
- Wirt
- Wood
- Wyoming